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4th of August 2024 from 10am – 2pm

We will be aiming to raise our collective vibration through connection, sharing, crying if we need to or laughing. This workshop will be informative as well as a transformative experience.

Framework for the workshop:

• Opening of the circle with guided meditation

• Sharing circle/ introduction/ connection

• Setting intentions

• Grounding/ Bodywork

• Validating the collective Mothers’ Wound and releasing the beliefs, energies, and unhealthy


• Wild swimming, dipping in the lake nearby

• Love-Meditation: pouring love into every cell, every atom of our beings in order to

manifest the loving mothers that we are.

• Celebrate our journey together with medicinal hot chocolate

• Closing of the circle

Event location: The Yoga Garden, c/o Knepp Wildland Safaris, Swallows Lane, Dial Post, Horsham RH13 8NN

Map Link:

About Zsuzsanna:

“Zsuzsi is a one-of-a-kind holistic therapist who combines ancient healing modalities with a

natural ability to soothe the soul. She brings warmth, humour and empathy to her sessions

alongside a broad knowledge of love-based practices, encompassing parenting, partnership and peer relations. In addition to the mind and soul, Zsuzsi offers her deep breadth of knowledge in nutrition and works alongside a naturopath for an integrated approach. This dual contribution is life-changing.” Kate Hester

• BACP registered Transactional Analysis therapist

• Self-Love Coach

• Prananadi Energy Healer

• Massage Therapist

• BSc Degree in Economics

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