About Me


Zsuzsanna Purnell Transformational Self-Love Coach About me




Years of
About Zsuzsanna Purnell Transformational Self-Love Coach Brighton Pier About me

HELLO, I’M ZSUZSANNA. A Transformational Self-Love Coach and qualified therapist

And it is my mission to help you believe, trust and love yourself for a life filled with joy and purpose.

  • Weekly sessions or 3-month program
  • 1:1 or parent/child therapy
  • To improve relationships and create life-long transformations
  • Body, Mind and Spirit approach
  • Mindfulness& Breathwork


I am a Transformational Self-Love Coach and originally from Hungary and came to the UK in my early 20s, to improve my English and of course, to have some adventure. I had two big suitcases and just enough money to make it to the family where I worked as an au pair. 

With a degree in Economics and Tourism, I eventually left the family and got a job in the Hilton Hotel in Brighton as a waitress. I genuinely loved life and had a lot of fun. My English improved and I was getting promoted, slowly walking my way up. Life put me in a position to be working in a finance department, when suddenly the question daunted on me: why am I spending so much of my life, looking after somebody’s finance that I don’t even know? I felt trapped and like I was wasting my time.  I reached a point when I felt that something was missing in my life: I didn’t feel that my life had a purpose!

so what did I do?

Life slowly started to feel empty.  So I took a big breath and decided to change direction. I was always a people person, so I decided to work as a carer and re-trained as a Transaction Analysis therapist. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was on track! Being a therapist felt so much like me and I have absolutely loved it ever since. 

Years into my practice,  something really quite unbelievable happened. A moment of clarity came over me and I came across this beautiful healing method called the Transformational Self Love Therapy, (or the I love you me method) that has miraculously helped my friend to heal from terminal cancer! Here you can watch her sharing her story: https://youtu.be/1yMDPdZLxZ8

I knew instantly that I had to try it. I had my first Transformational Self-Love session and it blew my mind.


Unlike classic talking therapy, this method involved healing on a number or levels including body, mind and spirit. I felt an incredible warmth, calm and confidence in me that I had never felt before. And with that one session,  my life completely turned around: I started seeing improvements in my professional life as well as in my relationships. Eventually, I stopped playing small, and instead started believing in myself and completely pushed myself outside of my comfort zone in many ways. In time, I started to thrive as a therapist. I could not go back to my old ways of working and I decided to train as a  Transformational Self-Love Coach. I have been using this incredibly powerful method ever since, on myself as well as with my clients, and the amazing results never seem to stop surprising me. 

Zsuzsanna Purnell Transformational Self-Love Coach About me

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