Welcome to Our Core Values

At Zsuzsanna Purnell Therapy, we are guided by love, connection, trust, courage, empowerment and truth. These core values shape our practice, ensuring that every client receives compassionate and non-judgemental therapy. We believe in creating a safe and supportive space where healing and growth can flourish, cultivating a deeper trust in the self and self-empowerment .

Love & Connection

Absolute love is the antidote to fear and pain. Reconnection,
acceptance and loving all parts of ourselves, bring a great sense of relief and healing
into our lives, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Trust & Courage

Trust is the basis, on which one can build in the therapeutic work.
Everything being said in the session is private and confidential. Trust and courage are
essential for asking for help, trying something new to get different results and for growth.

Power & Truth

Finding and standing in our truth is empowering. Power is the ability or
capacity to do something or act in a particular way. Everybody is able and capable of
creating the life that they deserve.

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